
Shipping Search Plugin

Someone either needs to write a Firefox extension to do this or Google needs to figure out a way to do it.

Shipping/Mailing. We've all done it at one point or another. This weekend, I needed to figure out shipping costs for a few items. Off to UPS.com I went, inputting all the dimensions, weights, and destinations. Get back a price. Then I thought, well, maybe the USPS is cheaper. Same routine over again. Ditto for Fedex.

I envision something like a special query to google like this:

'ship 23 lbs from 52402 to 90210'

Then the results could ask if it were a small (6"x6"x6"), medium (20"x20"x20") or large (greater than 36" square) to narrow down your results. It could even ask if you wanted options such as shipping insurance, delivery confirmation, etc.

Ok, so there it is. Go forth and come up with it someone!



Blogger Jason said...

Agreed. I wish I didn't hate Javascript so much, I would write it myself.

I would love to see Google do this, but that might be crossing the line for them. (They're not evil remember ;-))

It would seem like some site could do this as well. Wouldn't be much different that travelocity does for trips.

11:30 PM, August 24, 2005  

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