
How many licks to the center of ...

Little late on this post, but just got around to dumping some photos off my phone.

A couple of weeks ago, we had a department picnic and a few of us decided to go play disc golf afterwards. Ryan dropped Jason, Samantha, and myself back off at work to get our vehicles. While we were there, we decided to grab some cool refreshments to quench our thirst. Gatorade sounded quite good. However, it wasn't meant to be.

After attempting to purchase a purple Gatorade and having it get stuck, Ryan tried buying another, thinking it would dislodge the stuck bottle. Nope... The suggestion was then made to try buying the can of root beer below, hopefully dislodging the two stuck bottles. No such luck. Score: Vending machine - 3, Josh/Ryan - 0.

So, off to the front desk to claim our money back from the vending machine. After getting our money, do you think we would be content? Not a chance.

Still thirsty for that Gatorade, I again went back to the machine. This time, the second Gatorade slot would be my intended victim. But the machine was not ready to give up just yet, oh no. It claimed another bottle, and another attempt was made to purchase the can below. We reasoned that this time, there weren't two bottles holding the can in place, so away went more change into the machine. Alas, failure once again.

The battlefield

So, for the second time in 5 minutes, I was standing at the front desk filling out vending machine claim forms. Back to the vending machine I went, armed with nickels and dimes, the taste of sweet, sweet Gatorade calling my name. This time, victory would be mine. Rather than risk another botched attempt for the purple stuff, I settled on the orange stuff a few rows higher, hoping the extra height would help overcome the treacherous cans below. After carefully depositing the coins, I selected my number, fingers pausing over that last button with fear of another botched attempt. As I pushed that last button, I was rewarded with a satisfactory thunk, followed by the sound of the bottle sliding down retrieval chute. The battle was won. And though it didn't taste quite as good as the purple would have, it sure did the job. Victory was mine once again.



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