
Dude, am I going deaf or did he just say we could fuck his wife?

I'm sure many of you are like me and carry around a set of car keys in your pocket. Don't you hate getting stabbed in the leg with them? Wouldn't it be cool if every manufacturer had a flip key system like the Audi/VW like flip/switchblade key? For those that don't know what I'm talking about:

The key folds up nicely to be a nice, small, non-stabby object that will sit happily in your pocket, not stabbing your leg.

After a little searching, it appears that some enterprising person has come up with something similar and is selling them on eBay. http://search.ebay.com/switchblade-key

Now only if we could add a house key to that and have everything tucked away nice and neatly.



Blogger crturboguy said...

It's not really that big, about the size of a Tic Tac case. And I wouldn't want multiple ones in my pocket, but rather, a way to add my house key to the other side, so you'd have keys sticking out each end if they were both 'flipped out'.


9:35 AM, March 31, 2005  
Blogger ---ryan said...

I too would like less things in my pockets. You already heard me complain about that. In fact, I even considered getting one of those key wallets. You know what I'm talking about. Your Mom probably had one at one point or another. You stick your keys in it and fold it up. It would be a lot cheaper than the $20 (20!) key blanks on eBay.

7:19 PM, March 31, 2005  
Blogger crturboguy said...

Yup, I know exactly the kind you're talking about. Used to make them at camp. In fact, I probably have one in a box in the basement with my initials stamped into it.

I guess I just like the flip out key more for the cool factor. :)


10:28 PM, March 31, 2005  

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