
Get with it movie mega plex

Last weekend, [Wow, this is really late. Last weekend? Ha.. Try 9 months ago. This baby's been in the oven for a while!] Melissa and I went to see Pixar's new film, Cars. Great movie, I highly recommend it, especially if you like cars.

I liked it so much in fact, that I immediately told Melissa that as soon as it came out, we'd be making a BestBuy lunch run to pick up the DVD. But here's where the theatre's and movie studios could be raking in money, especially for movies like these that kids will be watching. When we walk out of the theatre, wouldn't it be great to be able to buy the movie you just watched? Now, granted, not every movie I see in the theatre is one I'd want to watch over and over again, or own on DVD, but for the ones that I do, set the hook and reel me in right there. Instead, now I've got to wait for X number of months, until the studio thinks it's the right time to release the movie. Knowing studios, they'll probably wait until either just before Thanksgiving, or right before Christmas, prime buying seasons.

Parents may hate it, because now little Timmy or Suzie can whine and beg all the way out of the theatre about wanting the movie they just saw, but they'll get over it.

This should help drive traffic to the theatre, as it'd be the only place you could get the movie before 'regular' retail channels. Of course, you'd have to have your movie ticket stub to buy the movie, so it's a win for the theatre too, keeping them in the loop of the movie experience.




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